BTS May Still Be Able To Perform Even While Carrying Out Their Compulsory Military Service


BTS may still be able to perform even while carrying out their compulsory military service, South Korean defence minister Lee Jeong-seop has said.


At a National Defence Committee held by the South Korean National Assembly on Monday (August 1), Lee spoke about the defence ministry’s position on BTS’ military service terms.

“I believe BTS could enlist in the military, and still be given time to practice and perform overseas,” said Lee, as reported by News1.

“The Ministry of National Defence has reviewed [the issue of BTS’ enlistment] in consideration of maintaining fairness, equity, and military service resources, and they could be able to continue performing for national interests,” he said.

According to Reuters, the minister added: “As many people highly value [artists serving] in the military, that may help boost their popularity even more.”


Director Lee Ki-shik of the Military Manpower Association also reportedly stated that implementing additional exemptions for pop culture figures on top of the military’s existing provisions could “break the overall framework of military service exemption”.